In this post, you will find all the legal steps for pursuing marriage in Egypt. The procedure is a little different from other countries abroad, so always look for your embassy inside the country where you are going to get married to understand all the procedures.

Marriage IN EGYPT:

Several doubts appear regarding marriage in Egypt, especially related to Muslim laws. As Egypt isn’t part of the Hague Convention, the procedure becomes more bureaucratic. If you are marrying a foreigner from another signatory country of the convention, you can be sure that half of the procedures described here won’t be necessary.

Before starting to talk about documents to get married in Egypt, it’s important to make some reminders:

  1. First, you should remember that a marriage is a serious thing, meant to last (theoretically) throughout all your life. Don’t make impulsive decisions. You need to live with the person long enough to believe that their values are compatible and it will be possible to have a lasting union.
  2. Don’t marry by proxy or sign any other document that doesn’t follow the procedures below. Its value won’t be legal. In case of any doubts, check with the embassy or lawyers who can translate and explain to you all the legal steps.
  3. Guarantee your rights and get informed. In Egypt, there is no distribution of assets established in the marriage contract. So always keep your assets in your name. Open bank accounts and put real estate and cars in both names. If your fiancé refuses, this is a red sign for the relationship.
  4. Don’t sign documents without knowing what is written on them. Don’t transfer your money to other people. This is permanently valid for any situation, anywhere in the world.

With that done, let’s go through the legal steps to sign the marriage contract in Egypt:


The first step is to issue a Consular Declaration of Civil Status in your Embassy. In my case, in the Embassy of Brazil in Cairo (more information here). The document is issued in Arabic and English and contains an embassy stamp.

To obtain the document it’s necessary to make an appointment with the embassy and provide the following documents (always bring a copy too):

  • Updated birth certificate. If you are divorced or widowed you must present also the certificate;
  • A document that proves you are Christian, Jewish, or Muslim*;
  • Valid passport;

* It’s possible to convert to Islam in mosques in Cairo if this is the wish of the bride or groom. According to Islamic laws, a Muslim’s bride must be Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. In the case of a man marrying a Muslim woman, it’s necessary for the groom to convert to Islam before marriage.

My embassy also asked me to go to the appointment with two Brazilian witnesses. They must be present with you on the day to sign the form in the presence of the embassy official. To know exactly what you need on this step, I recommend you check the website of your consular section office in Cairo. Each country may differ in its requirements.


Starting from this point, all steps are the same for foreigners marrying Egyptians. A valid visa is required to complete the marriage process. Remember that the visa issued at the airport is temporary (about 45 days to leave the country) and isn’t considered valid in this case.

The visa renewal process is the same for any residents classified as tourists. Here we have a post talking just about how to renew the Egyptian visa in the country.


For weddings in Egypt, it’s also necessary to have a blood test. This exam is specific for weddings and includes routine checkup data, as well as identifies sexually transmitted diseases. This must be done in a public hospital. Egyptian couples or those who hire lawyers to represent them in all legal steps of the wedding process usually skip this step (paying a little extra, of course).

However, if you are doing everything without help, the document will be needed on the day of the court. We went to two hospitals that didn’t even know what the exam was about. Our third attempt was at El Tahrir General Hospital and there, at the entrance, the staff knew all the procedures. We paid 40 EGP for the couple for the exams.

Stay tuned for the necessary documents at the hospital:

  • 3 photos 3×4 of the groom and bride
  • Copy of Egyptian ID

*It’s possible to make all copies inside the hospital on the cafeteria side.

Everything should be ready on the same day. You can take home the government-stamped document after a few hours.


Go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to stamp the embassy document. The building is in the center of Cairo. Get there early to avoid queues.


With all the documents ready, the most awaited time arrived. Finally, you will be able to schedule the signing of the marriage contract. Everything happens in the justice building. If you want to save time, I recommend going a day before to schedule an appointment.

At the appointed date and time, the couple must go to the fourth floor with two male and Egyptian witnesses. Both must carry Egyptian ID. Be prepared: bring two copies of all documents, including IDs. The bureaucracy takes around two hours. The floor has a translator who is also in charge of writing extra clauses in the marriage contract.


The marriage contract in Egypt has no established clauses, so you can add whatever you want inside it. Remember that, unlike in other countries where the contract already establishes a division of assets regime, nothing is written here in Egypt regarding it. So you should take other measures to protect yourself. More traditional families already leave a stipulated dowry amount, in addition to an indemnity amount in case of divorce.*

*The couple is obliged to specify the value of the dowry when signing the documents. A tax of 2% is charged on this amount by the government.

Division of assets in case of separation:

In my case, I wanted to establish a partial community property regime, with a division of 50% for each in the event of divorce. But the translator informed me that he couldn’t write it in that way, as it would contradict the Islamic Laws. So I had two options: either total division of assets or not specify anything in the contract.

Remember that if you don’t specify the division of assets in the contract, it’s best to carry out a second contract as an addendum between you and your fiancé. Or even better, guarantee your assets by having part of them in your name. Have your own bank account and sign in both names when purchasing assets such as houses and cars.

In the event of divorce without an established regime:

If the couple divorce without the division of the assets established in the marriage contract, the laws of the country will prevail. In Egypt’s case, the Islamic Laws for division of assets. This can cause a headache in the future because you will need a lawyer to deal with the Egyptian justice system.

Other clauses in the marriage contract

Also, by the recommendation of other websites, I decided to make an extra clause. I specified that, if my husband marries a second wife (which is possible in Egypt under Islamic Law), I have the capacity to divorce without his consent. This avoids legal problems in countries that don’t accept polygamy.

Validation of the foreign marriage in your country of origin

With the signatures done, you are now legally married in Egypt. But for the marriage to have international value, you must take the papers back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You will pay a fee to receive the stamp on each paper. Also, you will need to validate the documents taken from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at your embassy.

Having completed all the bureaucratic processes for validating the marriage, you are now married in the eyes of both countries. Husband and wife are now entitled to be residents of both countries for the duration of their marriage.

FAQ regarding marriage in Egypt

Can a man marry two wives legally in Egypt?

Yes, polygamy is legal in Egypt. Mans can marry until 4 wives legally. Women otherwise can only have one husband. The marriage will be legal in Egypt, but still illegal in other countries that don’t accept polygamy.

How can I divorce in Egypt?

Men have the right to divorce without their wife’s consent. However, if the divorce is obtained without cause or the wife’s consent, she receives an indemnity agreed by the time of the marriage. Women should go to court to obtain a divorce.

Should I convert to Islam to make my marriage in Egypt?

A man marrying a Muslim woman should convert to Islam. A woman marrying a Muslim man should be Christian, Jewish, or Muslim.

Is ORFI marriage legal in Egypt?

ORFI contracts are NOT legal or recognized by the Egyptian government or any other country. They are an agreement between the couple, made in front of two witnesses and a lawyer. Mostly, they are accepted by hotels. But they don’t provide legal rights such as asset division, family reunion Visa…


Brazilian and passionate about traveling, I found love away from home and today I live in Egypt. I'm a journalist and I work with ​​content production and marketing. I will share with you my experiences traveling low coast and working internationally.

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